Creative Hour
Creative Hours on Wednesdays: Start self-care in a creative way. The Creative Hour is a gathering of like-minded folks to make art, take a break and add self-care to their week. No art knowledge is necessary.

Join me on Wednesdays for the Creative Hour on Zoom at
10 am PT, 
1 pm noon ET, 
2 pm ADT (Atlantic Daylight Saving Time) 

You can sign up for all events or for just one to try it out.

One hour of creating whatever you like. I will provide some prompts, but this is your time, and you can use it as you want. We'll meet on Zoom. It's up to you to have your camera on or off.

You don't need any art-making experience to be a part of it.
Bring your pencils, markers or any other tools you find around your house.

Click the link to get all the information. (link brings you to Eventbrite)

  • You want to schedule time in your week to be creative without pressure.
  • You like to support yourself with creative tools.
  • You want to finish a creative project you've neglected for a while.
  • You want a break and add self-care to your day.
  • You want to test new art materials or open that new box of colour pencils and finally use them. (smile)
If more than two points speak to you, then you're in the right place.
I'm looking forward to seeing you in one or all of the Creative Hours.

Let me know if you have any questions. 🥰